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The Asociacion de Investigacion de la Industria del Juguete (AIJU) is a private not-for-profit organisation. AIJU was inaugurated in 1985 and currently has near 500 associated companies and a team of more than 80 experts. AIJU has agreements with chambers of commerce and helps entrepreneurs and companies to design their development plans. AIJU's staff is multidisciplinary team that allows to cover projects from technological and social topics: Psychologists, Sociologists, Educators, Economists, Designers, Market Analysts, IT programmers, Engineers.

AIJU is a technology centre that is at the forefront of ICT technologies. It also provides a vision of the World of Work in educational projects, providing real case studies and adapted to reality.

Regarding ICT AIJU is a centre with agreements with Schools, VET centres, Universities and students come to AIJU in order to perform computer practices or end practices of university masters. AIJU has developed research projects on learning using mobile devices, games and augmented reality technologies. Several JCR publications and patents have been developed.

AIJU has developed its own software for Augmented Reality. Moreover, AIJU has a team of experts in 3D design, animation, augmented reality programming and game development. It also has educators and experts in tailored suits to various targets. AIJU have also experts have UNITY 3D system and we have developed several projects with SMEs for creating APPs.

AIJU is devoted to research in the following areas:

ICT: Development of applications, videogames, digital animations for mobile devices (tablets, smartphones,...) in several platforms (android, iOS,...), eLearning, data mining, cloud computing,  Augmented Reality and 3D, Virtual Reality, Chroma Key Advanced System, Test with End users.

Health: Sports, therapeutic leisure (design of proposals adapted to the target, games and therapeutic or preventive game-oriented applications), development of bespoke products for customization, surgical planning/ teaching, specialized products, game oriented ITC platforms. Test with End users.

User Requirements and Validation with users (focus on children, elderly people and mothers): Pedagogic & therapeutic questions and design of didactic materials for children and disabled, aged people, etc, product validation with end-users (with a panel of more than 7000 families), sociological & market studies.

Product development: Customized products by means of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing technologies for disabled, high tech sport articles, etc., graphic and industrial design, electronic prototypes development, moulds adjusting/adapting & functionality providing, etc.

AIJU is highly experienced in carrying out R&D European projects, ranging from past FP4 to FP7, as well as many other programs (CIP, Life+, Eurostars, JTI initiatives, etc.). It has also great experience in coordination of technical WPs as well as Dissemination & Exploitation WPs.