CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC TELEORMAN is the leading state public institution in Teleorman County, Alexandria Town, Romania Country.
CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC TELEORMAN is responsible for the professional development of teachers and support staff in secondary education through training programs and training activities, whose duty is to provide a framework conducive to personal and professional development of staff in secondary education by promoting innovation and by increasing quality professional development programs for staff education level.
The mission of CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC TELEORMAN is to promote innovation and reform in education, to provide the framework for personal and professional development of staff in secondary education in the county, in line with professional standards for the teaching profession, quality standards and professional skills, in accordance with national policies and strategies in education.
The staff of our institution is made up as follows: a director, a computer, 3 methodologists, a librarian, a secretary and an accountant.
Training activity of our institution is provided by external trainers, teachers in schools and colleges county, proposes training courses to the needs of teachers. Offer training includes courses in various fields: management educational competencies in assessment, formal and nonformal education.
CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC TELEORMAN is the organizer and provider training programs for teachers, leadership, guidance and control, as well as auxiliary staff in secondary education in Romanian in modern languages taught in the university education system in Romanian, in English national minorities in counties where forms of education in minority languages, according to art. 45 para. (10)of Law no. 1/2011;
- a) resource center, innovation and expertise in continuous training of teachers, support staff and educational managers;
- b) information and documentation center and consulting staff in secondary education;
- c) initiating and organizing center for scientific, methodological and cultural rights;
- d) publishing and distribution of books in the field of education;
- e) management counseling in personal and organizational development processes;
- f) methodological center for training officers, librarians, documentary, documentary professors / officials of documentation and information centers, laboratory, school teachers, computer scientistsin secondary education;
- g) marketing education: training needs analysis, defining products and services, offer training programs, promotion and provision thereof;
- h) database for human resources in those areas with the status of curriculum, assessment, management, etc., inspectors, responsible for training, documentarians teachers, mentors, professional development, librarians, laboratory assistants, school teachers, computer science, associate professors, consultants, experts;
- i) center to initiate and perform partnerships for the implementation of educational projects at local, regional, national and international;
- j) center organizing leisure activities, themed tours, summer schools, jubilee festivities for institutions/ personalities, traditional meeting Teacher's Day, Children's Day, etc., club of teachers who willserve to meetings, exchanges of views;
- k) Community learning center for staff and permanent staff from pre-university education at the country;
- l) responsible for the establishment and center respectively mentors coordination function of the body at county level.